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Continuous Prediction with Experts' Advice

Nicholas J. A. Harvey, Christopher Liaw, Victor S. Portella; 25(228):1−32, 2024.


Prediction with experts' advice is one of the most fundamental problems in online learning and captures many of its technical challenges. A recent line of work has looked at online learning through the lens of differential equations and continuous-time analysis. This viewpoint has yielded optimal results for several problems in online learning. In this paper, we employ continuous-time stochastic calculus in order to study the discrete-time experts' problem. We use these tools to design a continuous-time, parameter-free algorithm with improved guarantees on the quantile regret. We then develop an analogous discrete-time algorithm with a very similar analysis and identical quantile regret bounds. Finally, we design an anytime continuous-time algorithm with regret matching the optimal fixed-time rate when the gains are independent Brownian motions; in many settings, this is the most difficult case. This gives some evidence that, even with adversarial gains, the optimal anytime and fixed-time regrets may coincide.

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